Boards and Commissions

Opportunities abound for civic-minded individuals to participate in a number of community improvement efforts. Volunteers are welcome to work with the following City Boards and Commissions:

To get more information about openings on these Boards and Commission, please see our Volunteer Opportunities page.

The Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for variances (exceptions) from the Zoning Code in accordance with the procedures and standards for those exceptions. The Board of Zoning Appeals also hears appeals of determinations of City staff regarding the Zoning Code.

The Board of Zoning Appeals is composed of five (5) residents appointed by City Council for terms of four (4) years.


Term Expires

Lisa Carpenter 4/6/23
Tim Cron 4/6/23
Tim Schneider 4/6/23
Reece Timbrook 4/6/25
Vacant 4/6/25

The Planning Commission acts as the platting authority for the City reviewing the subdivision or combination of land for new and existing developments. In addition, the Planning Commission reviews development plans and makes recommendations to Council regarding land uses and design standards.

The Planning Commission consists of five (5) residents appointed by City Council and the Mayor as an Ex-Officio  member (non-voting).


Term Expires

Julie Denning, Chair


Jonathan Hairston


David Owens


Anthony Rodgers


Harold Vazquez


Peter J. Williams, Mayor


The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Commission is to study, consider and recommend to the City Manager programs of recreation which will provide recreation opportunities for youths, seniors and adults and to study, consider, and recommend to the City Manager actions to provide adequate areas for recreation facilities while protecting the environment and preserving open space and the natural features of the community.

The Parks and Recreations Commission consists of seven (7) residents appointed by City Council. Each member serves three (3) year terms. The City Manager serves as a nonvoting member.



Term Expires

Ron Brohm, Chair 8/2/23
Raymond Dowdell 8/2/24
Mark Tragesser 8/2/24
Vacancy 8/2/24
Vacancy 8/2/25
Vacancy 8/2/25
Vacancy 8/2/24
Ruth Waymire – Ex-Officio 8/2/24
Rose Nolf – Ex-Officio 8/2/24

The purpose of the Health and Safety Commission is to study, consider and recommend to the City Manager programs, actions and activities relating to the enhancement of the public health, safety and environment of the City.

The Health and Safety Commission consists of seven (7) members appointed by Council. Each member serves three (3) year terms. The City Manager serves as a nonvoting member of the Commission.


Term Expires

Vacancy 8/2/22
Vacancy 8/2/22
Vacancy 8/2/22
Vacancy 8/2/22
Vacancy 8/2/24
Vacancy 8/2/24
Vacancy 8/2/24

The Board hears all appeals related to the enforcement of the Exterior Property Maintenance Code and Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, and by a concurring vote of the majority of its members may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the decision appealed from, and will make such order or determination as in its opinion ought to be made. Failure to secure concurring votes shall be deemed a confirmation of the decision of the inspector.

Property Maintenance Appeals Board consists of the following members:
The Chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals,
The Chair of the Planning Commission,
The Chair of the Health and Safety Committee,
Two electors of the City of Riverside chosen by the Council.


Term Expires

Ron Elliott Jr 2/14/24
Chair of the Planning Commission
Chair of the BZA
Chair of the Health and Safety Commission

The Personnel Appeals Board hears appeals from City employees in the non-exempt service who are not part of a collective bargaining agreement, who have been suspended, demoted in position or compensation or discharged.

The Personnel Appeals Board consists of three (3) members appointed by City Council for overlapping terms of three (3) years. The Director of Personnel, currently the City Manager, provides necessary staff assistance for the Board.


Term Expires

Vacancy 4/6/23
Vacancy 4/6/23
Vacancy 4/6/23

The Board of Tax Review hears and decides petitions that seek relief from the strict interpretation of the tax code as it is applied by the Tax Administrator for the tax years 2016 and later.


Term Expires

Vacancy 12/31/22
Chuck Evanhoe 12/31/24
Sarah McCarthy 12/31/22
The Records Commission reviews and approves rules for retention and disposal of public records for the City of Riverside. The Commission meets at least twice a year in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.

The Records Commission consists of four members: City Manager or Designee, Finance Director, Law Director and Resident (appointed by the city manager).


Term Expires

Vacant 12/31/23

The Budget Committee is intended to increase transparency, allow for greater citizen input, and create community involvement.

The Budget Committee is be made up of two (2) registered voters from each voting precinct, a primary and an alternate.


Term Expires

Mark Carpenter, Precinct F


Justin Franklin, Precinct J


Jim Zaidain, Precinct A


Charlie Shivers, Precinct B


Reece Timbrook, Precinct C


Christopher Broach, Precinct H


At the first meeting of the Council in January 1999 and every five (5) years thereafter, Council shall appoint a Commission of nine (9) electors of the Municipality. The duty of the Charter Review Commission is to review the existing Charter and make such recommendations as it may see fit for revision. The Commission shall submit its written report to Council not later than July 1 of the same year that the commission is appointed. Thereupon, the Council may take such action as it deems warranted with respect to such recommendations.

The Charter may be amended as provided in Article XVIII, Section 9, of the Ohio Constitution, by submission of a proposed amendment to the electors of the Municipality and approval by a majority of those voting on the question of its adoption. Such amendment may be initiated by either a vote of at least five (5) members of Council, or by petition to the Council signed by ten (10) percent of the electors of the Municipality based on the total number of votes cast at the last preceding general municipal election.

This commission has a term of approximately 6 – 7 months of service.

All applications will be forwarded to City Council.

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