Business Resources

  • Permits, Zoning, Utilities
  • Location Assistance
  • Business Development and Training
  • Partnerships

Permits, Zoning, Utilities

The Department of Planning and Program Management team provides assistance in completing the requirements for business operations in Riverside.

Gas & Electric
Vectren and Dayton Power & Light Company (DP&L) supply full-service electrical and natural gas utilities in Riverside and throughout the Greater Dayton area. Both consistently rank among the top 10 utilities across the nation in productivity and efficiency. They offer cash rebates and discounts on energy-efficient products to both business and residential customers.

Vectren 1-800-227-1376.

AES Ohio 800-433-8500 Report Outages: 877-468-8243

The City of Riverside is served by the Montgomery County Water District: exceptional water quality and supply and some of the cheapest water rates in the country. The region’s 500-square-mile underground aquifer holds 1.5 trillion gallons and is continually replenished.

Montgomery County 937-781-2688

Source Water Protection Program

The City of Dayton Source Water Protection Program is a multi-jurisdictional approach to guarding the public water supply for 400,000 customers in Dayton and Montgomery County.

Green-Blue Gold Certification

Dayton Regional Green Program

Telephone & Internet
Frontier Internet

Traffic Counts
Find information traffic flow through Riverside and surrounding areas. Visit the traffic-count-viewer

Location and Expansion Assistance
The Economic Development team maintains a current listing of available land, office space and prospective areas coming onto the market and will assist in finding the ultimate location for growth or start-up ventures.

Economic Development website:

Business Development & Training
Today’s perpetually changing business environment demands companies adapt quickly to remain competitive and the region offers various resources to assist with operations, financial and growth challenges.

Wright Brothers Institute

  • TEC^EDGE Innovation and Collaboration Center (Tec^Edge ICC)

University of Dayton, Fastlane, Manufacturing Growth Solutions
University of Dayton Research Institute
Regional Stem Collaborative
Montgomery County/Economic Development/Business First

Wright State Research Institute

Ohio Development Service Agency: Small Business Development Centers, SBDC
SCORE, Business Mentoring, Society of Retired Executives
Port Authority, Montgomery County (937) 226-0457 Ext 120
County Corp 937-225-6327

The Economic Development team values and understands the importance of partnering with community organizations and institutions to promote the success and growth of our local businesses.
Both the City of Riverside and Dayton Area County Chamber of Commerce support local business by offering members reduced rates on worker’s compensation plans, employee health care and cellular telephone service.

Riverside Area Chamber of Commerce
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce

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